Welcome To Lyra's Homepage
Lyra's Commands
Utility Commands:
{}Help Lists available commands
{}UserInfo Displays the user's information
{}ChannelInfo Displays the channel's information
{}RoleInfo [role-name] Displays info for the role
{}GenNumber [min] [max] Returns a random number
{}Timestamp Generates a timestamp with exact date and time and your timezone
{}Calculate (Problem1) Calculates things
{}24HInvite Generates a 24 Hour Invite // Infinite Uses
{}24HTempInvite Generates a 24 hour invite
// Then kicks members that joined with the invite & Infinite Uses
{}InfInvite Generates an invite with infinite time and uses
Fun Commands:
{}8ball (question) Ask the 8ball a question and it will magically predict the future
{}Bars [@user] Adds Bars on top of a users avatar 256x256
{}BotBars [@user] Bars But with a bigger image size 922x922
Moderation Commands:
{}Kick [@user] [reason] Kicks the mentioned user
{}Ban [@user] [reason] Bans the mentioned user
{}Mute [@user] [Time] Mutes the mentioned user (Time in Minutes)
{}Unmute [@user] Unmutes the mentioned user
{}DeleteChannel [#channel] Deletes the mentioned channel
{}DeleteRole [#channel] Deletes the mentioned role
{}Prune [#ofMessages] Deletes a bulk of messages